Cedar Face FoundationServing, Advocating, and Promoting Health, Wellness, and Self-Sufficiency of Native Peoples!
Mission Statement:

Cedar Face Foundation, Inc. incorporates traditional values and culturally-focused methods in enhancing the health, wellness, and self-sufficiency of Native Peoples through advocacy, education, and research, acknowledging current best practices and the indigenous rights of Native Peoples.

Serving the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation through...

VDOVE (Victims of Domestic and Other Violent Experiences) works to prevent PTSD, drive awareness about PTSD and Toxic Stress, and provide professional and legal advocacy for clients affected by PTSD and Toxic Stress.
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APE' – Advocacy Program for Education – Special Needs Students and Victims of Bullying – Ape’, (pronounced ah pay’) is the Lakota verb for Hope in action. Advocating on behalf of students and families to ensure access to education with appropriate services, and working to ensure that students can study and participate in school activities free of bullying.
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